Thirst for Gadgets Killing Africa

25 06 2013

Gadget geeks need to understand where their toys come from.  Not only are most of them made by abused slave labor in Asia but the vital minerals that make up the blue screen and the electronics are blood minerals just like blood diamonds.

Coltan Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Coltan is the name for columbo-tantalite mined in Africa. It is a crucial raw material for the production of modern electonics.  When refined, the ore becomes tantalum, which is particularly well-suited for use in electric capacitors, because of its ability to hold high electic charges.  Coltan is used in cellular phones, computers, jet engines, missiles, ships, and weapons systems. Without coltan the digital age economy would grind to a halt. (more)




4 responses

9 10 2018
7 04 2019
30 01 2023

The shaming images that show where our iPhones, laptops and Tesla cars REALLY come from: The truth about the Congolese mines where kids are paid $2-a-day to dig for cobalt
Images from the Shabara mine and others in the Democratic Republic of Congo show young children mining
They dig for cobalt, the chemical element that is used in almost every tech product on the market today


23 05 2024

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