Los Alamos Worker Blows the Whistle on Radiation Poisoning of Workers

29 10 2018


Chad Walde believed in his work at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Then he got a rare brain cancer linked to radiation, and the government denied it had any responsibility.

by Rebecca Moss, The Santa Fe New Mexican

” . . . Chad and his co-workers said safety problems continued. They witnessed accidents and heard the sudden, unexpected blare of radiation alarms. They watched crews come in to decontaminate buildings and run radiation detectors over their hands and feet. They had their limbs scrubbed and clothing replaced. Sometimes days would pass before anyone realized contamination had spread. Many workers say their memories of poor work conditions and high personal radiation readings don’t match the government’s scant records.

In addition to Chad, at least four others on his maintenance crew had been diagnosed with cancer in the past five years.”

” . . . Out of a fear of liability, the famed nuclear scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who served as the lab’s first director, mandated that health records be labeled top secret . . . “


H/T to Mining Awareness



5 responses

29 10 2018
Trowbridge H. Ford

Don’t forget Danny Stillman’s work at Los Alamos which was so important in developing laser weapons to do quakes and weather modification instead of nuclear weapons that SoD Robert Gates went out of his way to compliment in the appearance of the book he wrote with Thomas Reed . The Nuclear Express.


29 10 2018
30 10 2018
Trowbridge H. Ford

There s nothing in the review about their spying, especially by Stillman, which led to that laser-caused quake in Sichuan in May 2008 which vastly damaged China’s nuclear capability.

Their spying was as important as their nuclear and laser design of weapons and their use.


30 10 2018

I picked that link because I didn’t want to link to Amazon …

here’s something better –

” only the United States possesses scientific and technical talent [1]. Hence, all other nations must have acquired nuclear weapons by pilfering American nuclear “secrets,” either by cajoling (England and France), or espionage (USSR and China).”

“The New York Times today published an article by William J. Broad that discusses how the Soviet Union may have obtained the key H-bomb secret (“radiation implosion”) through espionage from an American spy at Los Alamos laboratory in the 1950s. The article is based on a forthcoming book, The Nuclear Express (Zenith Press) co-authored by Danny B. Stillman, a former head of intelligence at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Thomas C. Reed, a weapon designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who later became Secretary of the Air Force.”
from – An American Scientist, the Soviets and the H-Bomb

US News and World Report –
New Evidence of a Soviet Spy in the U.S. Nuclear Program

and the 2015 story US news media banned –
Release of grand jury transcript points again to frameup of the Rosenbergs


30 10 2018
Trowbridge H. Ford

Think that the chief Soviet spy on nuclear weapons was Paul Koval is just a convenient ruse by the West and the Russians, the former wanting to cover up this most important strategic betrayal, and the latter willing to go along with it because he was so successful for the Soviets.

Believe he was Peter Wright, aka SCOTT and ‘K’ and ultimately MI5’s Assistant Director, while the West uses known spies like John Cairncross, klaus Fuchs, Melita Norwood et al. as a cover for him.

It’s the biggest kept secret of the Cold War


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