Factory Farms Fake ‘Organic’ Brands Listed

23 08 2012

News from Organic Consumers

The giant food (GMO) producers want to stop the new California ‘honest label’ law!

Kellogg’s (Kashi, Bear Naked, Morningstar Farms); General Mills (Muir Glen, Cascadian Farm, Larabar); Dean Foods (Horizon, Silk, White Wave); Smucker’s (R.W. Knudsen, Santa Cruz Organic); Coca-Cola (Honest Tea, Odwalla); Safeway (“O” Organics); Kraft (Boca Burgers and Back to Nature); Con-Agra (Orville Redenbacher’s Organic, Hunt’s Organic, Lightlife); and PepsiCo (Naked Juice, Tostito’s Organic, Tropicana Organic).

California’s Prop 37 will not only require labels on genetically engineered foods, but will also ban the fraudulent (and highly profitable) industry practice of marketing GMO-tainted foods as “natural.”  Big Biotech and Big Food corporations already have dumped $25 million dollars into defeating Prop 37. The “Yes on 37” campaign has raised only $3 million so far, in part because most of the wealthy organic elite (Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, Stonyfield, etc.) are still sitting on the sidelines. . . . ( more + take-action  option)


ALSO – From Our Tiny Earth: An Open Letter to Monsanto

“Dear Monsanto,

In reference to Prop 37, You claim that the labeling of Genetically Modified foods is misleading. You claim that there is “No scientific justification for special labeling.” In your article, “Taking a Stand”, you make a lot of claims to the safety of genetically modified foods, but you show absolutely zero evidence. I have the following evidence, now show me yours. If this isn’t enough, I’ll gladly get you more. . . ”  [lists sources]




3 responses

24 08 2012
Our Tiny Earth

Monsanto claimed on Twitter that the labels are misleading and even posted this – http://monsantoblog.com/2012/08/14/taking-a-stand-proposition-37-the-california-labeling-proposal/. I have posted the entire proposal on my blog so people can read it for themselves to get a better understanding of the law and see that there is no misleading information.


24 08 2012

If California allows GMO foods to be labled natural then I see all California food as GMO and refuse to buy it and Iam shing away already because of Japan radiation on crops. No fish out of oceans and samon. I stay away from prossesed meat, no one can tell whats in it.


24 08 2012

Food is SO hard to buy. I buy tuna (pre-Fukushima?) but then storing it a long timne will result in the BHT from the plastic lined canned to leach off and poison the item.
Everything is so hard for NO reason!


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