“Dear US: Remember your shameful retreat from Afghanistan” – Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah

3 11 2023

Most watched speech in the world – Sayyed Nasrallah (Hezbollah Secretary-General) gives response to Israel genocide ops.

Starts at 1 hour mark [English translated] … has some short audio pauses ….


Terrific censorship of English translations of this speech – FC


Nov. 10 and after – NOTE – comments on this blog are sometimes out of service 😦








Pure Evil Tasks Performed by Sub Named After Jimmy Carter

30 12 2011

Evil, evil dogs …. and Carter is completely oblivious to it all it seems.

Those mass whale killings in the Southern Ocean in 2004 were from underwater weapons used on the USS Jimmy Carter:

The Carter’s first use of its MMP apparently occurred around Thanksgiving Time, 2004, resulting in such big bangs underwater that 169 whales and dolphins were washed up on the coast of Trasmania during a three-day period. Its sound laser had apparently done the killing. The strength and low wavelength of its bangs simply drive them crazy. Australian Senator and Green Party leader Bob Brown, thanks to advice provided by Jim Cummings of the Acoustic Ecology Institute – blamed it upon “sound bombing” apparently by unknown exploration parties looking for oil as he had no idea that the Pentagon was responsible. Brown was no friend of the Bush administration having interrupted the President’s speech a year earlier before the Australian Parliament. Then in early December, at least another 140 whales beached themselves around Tasmania.

As if that’s not bad enough … the USS Jimmy Carter runs around committing crimes against humanity with its earthquake making weapon.

Right at this time, the Navy was finally putting together its visionary concepts in preventive war-fighting, thanks to the scientific community developing equipment which was capable of determining where the most likely, serious seismic activity was apt to occur, machinery which could trigger earthquakes of any strength, and how it could be employed in the new Seawolf class submarine. The first was accomplished by OBS light-weight machines which could plumb the bottom to the oceans to determine where the most fragile junctions of the earth’s plates existed below all the sediment. The second was achieved primarily through air guns – machines which could fire increasing cominbations of compressed air into the water to determine just where the fissures in the earth existed through small earthquakes. And the new Seawolf stealth sub is the USS Jimmy Carter – what the specially honored ex-President would never suspect was being used for such purposes.

MORE –  http://www.rockythedog.net/spooky/disasters3.html

PHOTOS and a little more –  http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/19/answers-to-questions-posters-should-be-asking-about-americas-man-made-disasters/

UPDATE, Mar. 9, 2012


Trowbridge. H. Ford writes on the function of the Defense Department’s X37-B spy plane. 

It was launched on March 5, 2011 to determine how well the USS Jimmy Carter’s shot from its special weapons platform was working on making the Tohoku earthquake and tsumani

When the laser shot then didn’t trigger the earthquake, it was given another one on the 8th, and when that didn’t work, it was given the fatal one on the 10th. 

For more, see this link:  http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26773/

* * * * * * * * *

UPDATE, Dec. 7, 2012

Jimmy Carter Disaster-Maker-Sub gets a twin(!)

Jill Biden Sponsors New Attack Sub USS Delaware

WASHINGTON (NNS) — Wherever the USS Delaware goes after she is launched in 2018, a “piece of my heart will go with her,” said Dr. Jill Biden, who will sponsor the Navy’s newest Virginia-class fast-attack submarine.

The Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USS California is photographed during sea trials in the Atlantic Ocean, June 30, 2011. The Navy’s newest submarine, USS Delaware, will be the same class as the California. . .   (more)


 the shortlink for this page is –           http://wp.me/pA5vn-18q

Fukushima View – Are Poisoned Beef, Radiated School Yards Not Cleaned Up and Constant Screw Ups at the Damaged Nuke Plants a Plot?

31 07 2011

 Dr. Leuren Moret says YES.

She says the screw ups in Japan are deliberate and too massive to be accidental.

(see next post)