Exposé on The Crazy Cult Ruling Japan Explains TEPCO & Fukushima’s Nuke Weapons Factory

18 12 2013

Following the unfolding horror at Fukushima we were listening to the latest interview with Yoshi Shimatsu that is available about each week on Rense.com.

He mentions a crazy cult that has quite a lot of power in Japan and has members at high levels of the military. He said check out the imperial cult, Mahikari by looking up “All The Emperor’s Men”.


Now we know why –

  • Fukushima is out of control
  • Why they had MOX fuel and a weapons lab
  • Why they won’t do a thing to stop the radiation contamination

Why should they do anything when a crazy death cult is calling all the shots in Japan?

Here are a few quotes from The Mahikari Agenda, by Garry Greenwood –

Intrigued by Adolf Hitler’s anti Jewish sentiments, Garry learns that Hitler drew much of his hatred for the Jews from the notorious anti-Semitic manuscript, “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, which are purported to be the minutes and proceedings recorded at a world congress of Jewry in 1897 at which the Jews are supposed to have created their blueprint for world supremacy. Garry obtains a copy of the `Protocols’ and to his horror discovers that some of the contents of the `Protocols’ were what he and other advanced members had studied at Keishu’s special training school in Japan and at other high level seminars. A central aspect of the abominable plot embodied within the `Protocols,’ is the repetitive mention of a character who will rise up in a degenerate world and obtain world supremacy using the Star of David as his symbol as bequeathed by God. He will be assisted in his quest by the `chosen people.’ . . . . .

More disturbingly, the `Protocols’ which the cult has distilled as an integral component of it’s blueprint for a global `theocracy’ details the practice of mind control, suppression of past unpleasant history, the creation of trade wars and the accumulation of gold. Garry’s research into other Japanese cults reveals that the Aum Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo) also appears to be drawing inspiration from the `Protocols.’ The last paragraph of Protocol no.9 describes the plan to cause great havoc with governments by blowing up subways or killing subway users!

Since Yoshikazu Okada was once a high ranking military officer, a student of the `Protocols,’ a military school instructor, a personal friend of Emperor Hirohito’s brother and several Japanese Prime Ministers and the like, the reader will be alarmed to learn that the Mahikari organisation is in fact, openly promoting much of the same idealism as that of Adolf Hitler, whilst hiding behind the popular and wholesome `new age’ philosophy of Mokichi Okada. The reader will also learn how the `Protocols’ were not only studied by Yoshikazu Okada and members of the German Nazi party but most likely by many other officers of the Japanese Imperial Army, the remnants of which remain the power brokers behind much of Japanese politics. . . . .

In 1990, the new Japanese Emperor, Akihito, was enthroned and in spite of their 1946 constitution drawn up by General Mac Arthur which prohibits the Emperor from once again assuming `Divine Status, ‘ a condition of their surrender, Akihito has done just that. In other words, the world’s largest and most powerful religious cult, state Shintoism, has once again regained its object of worship and is re-establishing its `flock’. . . .


 In Japanese and English – Unit 731, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima



4 responses

20 12 2013
peacelily4585 Michele E. Kossack

It is over 1,015 days since Japan’s 3/11 and this information has only become available? I understand that the Japanese plans are separate from the Western Countries who have their own plan to rule the world through the Illuminati elites bent upon the NWO, which Bush senior openly stated as the goal for our future. Those of us who follow the underground leadership and their annual Bilderberg meetings have been witness to the success of their goals. Just how many of these groups or cults are there in the world?


20 12 2013

I had no idea either!
Juzo Itami talks more about it in the middle of this article –

Japan has been allowed to go completely fascist again and to re-arm. Who did that??


22 12 2013

Hi FC….
I have been a faithful reader of the information that you share about Bayou Corne, the inevitable horror that will happen as time continues while the lies become more outrageous in the light of day. And I do post on my facebook page to keep people informed.

I have been reading the comments on Radioactive Chat which led me here when the realization of FC being you. I did not know that you have been so involved with the Japanese nuclear nightmare until now. The information about this cult has been posted on my page, and I am continuing to search for information. Apparently, the cult has spread to other locations around the world. I have received only one comment on my posting which was a surprise because I thought that the information is a major puzzle piece.

What I have read frightens me more than my own mortality because I care for this earth and the future of everything in nature and for the continuance of humanity. Instead, the Phil Robertson idiocy continued to be the focus; there have actually been death threats sent to the executives at A&E. That something so shallow is able to rouse people, frightens me again. It all seems to be so hopeless because it is proof that people will fall for the manipulated news that is provided by the MSM.



22 12 2013

Thanks for your thoughts. I was thinking the same thing about Duck Dynasty dominating the “news”. It shows what the board of directors of the big broadcast networks have a financial interest in (uranium, nukes, nukes, nukes)!
The cult news was mentioned by Yoshi Shimatsu in his interview. It was all news to me too!!
The interview is an audio file on rense.com.


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