Urgent Message About Secret Nuclear Work at Fukushima by Yoichi Shimatsu

4 09 2013

This is from  Simatsu


” . . .  there are thousands of workers, you’ve got to understand, there’s thousands and thousands of workers, highway six is packed with cars buses trucks coming in and out of the plant and yet around the reactor you’re lucky to see one or two guys, what are those thousands of workers doing inside the plant, you know there’s a huge mystery here, after they dealt with other secret sites they moved them to fukushima two , they moved them up north, that’s how secret this work is that’s going on, there’s a massive amount of work going on at fukushima that has nothing to do with the decommissioning of the reactor, thousands of men are engaged in a super secret project trying to dig out equipment, trying to dig out massive contamination, there’s been trucks going out of there just endlessly with high level nuclear waste on both trucks and trains… a massive secret”

[emphasis ours]   parent blog 

AUDIO (MP3) of interview

Reposted below in its original state in case of censorship –  (please repost!)

Yoichi Shimatsu – Hong Kong Aug 26 2013 {interview www.rense.com} Shimatsu speaking….
I’m in Hong Kong just got back from Malaysia Japan is involved in exported Nuclear Power Plants Japan wants to become more involved in regional conflicts That’s just what south asia needs in more nuclear power and conflicts i think right now it’s one of the few pockets in the world that’s fairly safe from radiation. they want to kill themselves. anyway this is a zone where a lot of japanese business’s and people are moving to for safety reasons fukushima built on a bluff about 40 ft above the sea, it’s all like sandstone composite gravel and sand that’s just sort of geologically stuck together its not very hard and it does crumble and oatmeal is a wonderful descriptiong of it… when it does get wet it doesn’t only get soft and mushy but that composite begins to break down..the acids in the water tend to break it down and it is crumbling now and a lot like handford, no it’s actually worse than hanford, the ground under the water storage tank where they put the water out of the reactors …
those tanks are so closely crowded together that the ground under those is collapsing now and the tanks are tilting in to one another , and as you know a lot of the piping isn’t gonna take the strain anymore…
so they’re worried about it…

there’s a massive amount of water throwing thru the ground water into the ocean where there’s been a build up of tritium inside the jetty ..you know fukushima 1 has a little port of it’s own where things can come in and out of the plant unnoticed by the public because it’s completely hidden from site …inside that jetty tritium has been rapidly building up meaning there are underground nuclear reactions going on in that water and there’s so much of it , it actually causes these clouds, these fog banks to along the bank in the middle of summer when there’s never been any fog…this strange fog hugging the cost far down , 15 km, we’re talking not a little tritium being produced we’re talking massive amounts of tritium being produced…
possible on unprecedented levels…
i think probably the largest single production of tritium the world has ever seen… there are really huge nuclear events going on there…

i think the main stream press if finally coming to the understanding that this thing i(s) out of control…
it’s dangerous… and potentially very dangerous…

Prof at Tokyo U of Marine Sciences says there’s massive amounts of heavy radio nucleides making it out to the sea.. he says there’s another source he has clear data …he’s talking plutonium and uranium in massive quantities outside in that jetty area which means there’s a drainage pipe that’s still in tact pushing out very very powerful nucleotides from very enriched plutonium and uranium from some other underground source in fukushima 1 and that’s i think, the center of the mistery here…

that’s as far as he’ll[prof] go..but as far as i’ve said from very very early on since a month or so after 311 that there are undergound nuclear seperation/enrichment labs … that are hidden away undergound, it’s a huge site, and some of them have been excavated and some of them have not been excavated …i don’t think this one has been, it must have survived, it must have had a lot of internal damage, no one can go down, but it’s not in a state of total collapse as some other places are, so that’s pouring out very highly enriched uranium and plutonium directly into the sea and he [prof] says it’s thousands of times more radioactive than the ground water if you’ve got that much wargrade material that’s stored in a destroyed lab that may have been involved in seperation that people cannot get into now that they are desperately trying to dig out…

there are thousands of workers, you’ve got to understand, there’s thousands and thousands of workers, highway six is packed with cars buses trucks coming in and out of the plant and yet around the reactor you’re lucky to see one or two guys, what are those thousands of workers doing inside the plant, you know there’s a huge mystery here, after they dealt with other secret sites they moved them to fukushima two , they moved them up north, that’s how secret this work is that’s going on, there’s a massive amount of work going on at fukushima that has nothing to do with the decommissioning of the reactor, thousands of men are engaged in a super secret project trying to dig out equipment, trying to dig out massive contamination, there’s been trucks going out of there just endlessly with high level nuclear waste on both trucks and trains… a massive secret and this is what the professor is referring to when he says there’s another source of high level radiation going out into the pacific basically unfettered , it’s not leaking out, it’s pouring out, it’s draining out.. so there’s other things going on at the plant but there’s not been one word of mention by tepco or the japanese govt or the japanese military, for that matter, so we’re talking about something other than what was happening at chernobyl ….

fukushima has wiped out the ozone over the pacific, killing all sorts of life, which basically threatens to wipe out , to end life , they may have created the first dead ocean. it’s really time for the japanese govt to fess up what they’ve been doing… it’s time for them to tell us what’s really been happening at fukushima how much material is there , not as fuel rods, but as war head material, how much is being pumped into the ocean, to finally tell us the truth, and at that point i think the world will have to take over you’ll have to get rid of the japanese head of the IAEA… they’re going to have to investigate before they attempt anything, other wise thousands of people will die, they’re going to be walking into a trap …

we have no idea how many workers have died, the situation is critical, very serious, and the people on the advisory, nuclear regulatory commission, have to come out in agreement with me, that there is a danger of a fusion/fission reaction the tritium poses a danger of another massive explosion, a situation where everyone inside will be killed, and here could be a chain reaction where japan will become totally uninhabitable and many of the regions in the the pacific will be gone …and large parts of north america probably will have to be evacuated , most of california and the northern tier of the united states,…
that’s the danger we face today, and it’s not a joke, because this committee is already talking about another massive explosion which is technically feasible…
the word they use is corrossion, they’re not talking about rust, theyre talking about bombardment, massive numbers of reactions, nuclear and chemical, elements inside the steel are becoming radioactive and then become themselves emitters, all the sealant materials, it has just been eaten up by the radiation… all the dires warnings are preparing for dumping all the tanks into the ocean,… they have to do like five at a time because if they do it all at once it’s gonna trigger a reaction… an explosion, they’re preparing us for it,…
these emissions, far worse is yet to come and the worst case scenario is around the corner, no one’s talking about fish anymore, after the fog they’re really scared now, they realize that this water is dynamic with nucleotides and with tritium and anything in there is just terrible to eat, touch or get near…
[ref WTC underground nukes that NO ONE CAN SPEAK ABOUT] what would work is an underground nuclear reaction, you drop everything into the ground into a basically heat sealed cavern which you could then feed water into and would be less porous than what we have now, obviously, it would be molten rock that solidifies into a crater , that would have worked, [not an atmospheric detonation] you’ve seen demostrations of this, taking down skyscrappers, blowing them up with all the stories going into the basement and very little dust coming out of there, you’ve seen this on t.v., take everything there, you have a downward and sideward nuclear blast, you would have everything dropping into the cavern, and you would have very little stuff going into the air and water, comparatively, BUT IT”S TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW……..
it’s far too late for that now, we’ve got to think of other ways, it’s not contained any more, stuff has leaked out all over the place, it’s a vast area, there’s underground streams there, the rock is not solid, we’re talking it’s now sort of a lace work, a lace work of radiation all over the place, that’s spread everywhere, i think it’s too late , it’s all out of containment now…

in the early days , …. but now if you did nuke the think you’d have so many channels that have opened up leaking, it would be very difficult to seal, it’s like a sponge, if you blow a firecracker in a sponge what do you get, just more holes… now we’re really in a pickle, in three to six months this thing is gonna get away from us and if we don’t contain this now and find a way to hold everything first of all we don’t know what we’re up against, where the nuclear labs are, how much material is inside those weapons labs… and access points, how much water are they pumping into it, we don’t know where the drains are, unless the japanese govt puts all the cards on the table it would be suicide for an international team to go in there… we’d just have one team after another go in there and dissappear…
and god knows how many japanese workers are really dead now…

there’s no way this could have gone one without spectacular numbers of deaths already, and i’ve heard the horror stories from early on, there’s no medical reports, the few they talk about are the ones on the surface who are not like the jumpers… they’re not the people who go into the highly radioactive places they’re the people on the surface… there’s no word at all on the jumpers, the guys that have to go in, people who are paid for two weeks for a two day job… we have no idea, these are the people who have been erased from the face of japan, we have no idea what’s happened to them… and i’ve said, we’re heard, there’s been rumors of thousands of bodies, .. a very large extensive facility with dozens of labs…

the villagers have told me there are hidden labs up in the mountains off inside tunnels, this is a los alamos, … the other thing is , there is a powerful political person who says japan will copy german’s model of no nuclear power..
he says japan have to learn to live without manchuria, it’s going to have to live without nuclear power… we must shut down now…