Arizona chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Bans Vaxxed from Movie Theater Chain

30 04 2016

Twitter smear campaign seems to work for them.

Harkins Theaters Cancel Arizona Showing of Anti-Vaccine Film

(4-28) Harkins Theatres has canceled a planned screening of film alleging a connection between autism and the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine amid complaints from pediatricians.

Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe will complete its week-long run at Harkins single-screen Valley Art theater in Tempe this evening. But Harkins has pulled the film from its 18-screen theater at the Arrowhead Fountains Center in [Phoenix suburb] Peoria. . .

Age of AustismDachel Media Update: San Francisco Chronicle In A Fog Over VaxXed

Screenings are listed on the movie website.

vaxxed resources




8 responses

1 05 2016

These medical priests are just amusing. If what Vaxxed is saying is just total bullshit, let the producers and Dr Wakefield take the public’s disdain.

I can watch two grown men in costume fight each other (super hero escapism) on screen but question medical orthodoxy? Holy cow!
Watch the holy priests in white coats choke on their painkillers and vaccines.

Another example of the this tool/tail (money) waging the dog. Is money not a simply a tool facilitate trade, exchange of expertise/goods? But we now love it for its own sake and will intentionally poison others for it.

Liked by 1 person

1 05 2016
1 05 2016


There is a dangerous radiological threat to the West Coast of the United States that puts the health of millions of Americans at risk. It includes dangers to public health, dangers to the food supply, and dangers to future generations from long-lived radionuclides, including some of the most toxic material in the world. It is not Fukushima, it is Hanford. While radiation from the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns is reaching the West Coast, carried across the ocean from Japan, the radiation from Hanford is already there, has been there for 70 years, and is in serious risk of catastrophe that could dwarf the effects of Fukushima even on Japan.

Hanford, on the Columbia River in Eastern Washington State, is the site where the United States produced the majority of its plutonium for nuclear weapons during the Cold War. These tens of thousands of American nuclear weapons were built as an end product of the high levels of plutonium production at Hanford. The first three nuclear reactors on Earth were built at Hanford, with a total of nine nuclear power plants being built there eventually. Nuclear power plants operated for ten years in this world before they were ever used to generate electricity. Electricity is a secondary purpose for nuclear power plants, they were designed and built as plutonium manufacturing plants.

Hanford was the first of these plutonium production sites. The two worst radiological disasters (besides nuclear weapon detonations) in the first four decades of the Atomic Age were accidents at the plutonium production sites of the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, both in 1957. Military plutonium production sites remain among the most contaminated sites on Earth. During the period of operation more than 67 metric tons of plutonium were manufactured at Hanford. Hanford is home to 60% (by volume) of all of the high level radioactive waste stored in the United States. Nearly 80% of the Department of Energy’s inventory of spent nuclear fuel rods are stored just 400 yards away from the Columbia River. (Statistics taken from Physicians for Social Responsibility webpage)

Read more

Hanford, Not Fukushima, is the Big Radiological Threat to the West Coast


1 05 2016
2 05 2016

I guess this should go to a different post’s location … but I don’t know how to move comments.
Not really related to CDC-vaccine thing. But CDC probbably involved in stamping out medical news about Hanford health effects.


2 05 2016


2 05 2016


2 05 2016


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