A Different View of N. Korea Nuke War Gamble

4 04 2013

The US may have had a reason for the fake nuke attack on N. Korea staged in their current war “games” but we can’t find one.

Here is some info not on CNN.

VIDEO: Korean crisis to cause global thermonuclear war: US expert

Benjamin Fulford  :

“The first thing people need to understand when looking at North Korea is to realize the country was set up by remnants of the Japanese army that was stationed in China during and before World War 2. The regime in North Korea thus closely resembles the war time government of Japan with the main difference being the God King is named Kim and not Hirohito. Remember, what is North Korea now was part of Japan or under Japanese influence from the late 19th century until the middle of the 20th century.

The next thing people need to understand is that part way through the post-war US occupation of Japan, a fundamental change in US policy took place. Following the murder of President Roosevelt by Nazi sympathizers towards the end of World War 2, a large part of the US intelligence community was gradually taken over by Nazis.

In Japan this meant that during the first part of the US occupation strenuous efforts were made to turn Japan into a pacifist, socialist country. Then as Nazi influence grew the fake so-called Cold War started and the policy shifted to fighting the Soviet Union. As a part of this new strategy 50,000 Japanese intelligence and military officers, experts in fighting communism in China, were brought over to Japan from North Korea.

This group has, to this day, exerted serious but hidden control over the Japanese political world in the post-war era. That is why it is no coincidence that the headquarters of the unofficial North Korean Embassy in Japan, the Chosen Soren (North Korean Citizens Association) is located next to the Yasukuni shrine honouring Japan’s war dead.

For much of the post-war era, the North Korean group in Japan was headed by Yasuhiro Nakasone and was closely allied to US power brokers like George Bush Sr. and David Rockefeller. For example, until recently the 20,000 strong Inagawa-kai yakuza gang prominently displayed a picture of George Bush Senior at its headquarters.” . . . (more)


On the author – “He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005.”


 U.S. Chemical Battalion’s Redeployment in S. Korea Condemned by CPRK Secretariat
Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) — The 23rd Chemical Battalion of the U.S. Army based in Seattle City, Washington State was recently redeployed in the U.S. Second Division in south Korea.
It was reported that an official ceremony in this regard will taken place in Uijongbu, Kyonggi Province on April 4.
The battalion was stationed in the U.S. military base in Chilgok, North Kyongsang Province as it belonged to the 19th battle area support command of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces till 2004. It was withdrawn to the U.S. mainland. This battalion mercilessly killed many people in the Korean war and other wars. .  . . (more)



Hostile Forces Should Not Misjudge DPRK’s Will to Annihilate Enemies: DFRK Chairman

[snip] . . .“The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean military warmongers’ madcap war exercises aimed to ignite a nuclear war against the DPRK has entered the practical step, after going beyond the danger line, the statement said, and went on:  The hostile forces should not misjudge the will of the army and people of the DPRK to annihilate enemies.”


To see what the news agency says see their English website – KCNA

Man-Made(?) Earthquake & Tsunami Twighlight Zone

25 09 2011

This post is to place a few items we have on some huge recent natural disasters that may be not-so-natural in one post.

You can also search this blog using the search box on the right sidebar using tags “Leuren Moret” and “twighlight zone” etc. – F.C.


 Virginia and Colorado quakes man-made?



from 2010

Earthquake Man Made?

Haiti Quake – man made? (MORE on it)



Trowbridge H. Ford’s intricate and concise series about geo-techtonic weapons, covert superpower wars and major recent man-made earthquakes and tsunamis is a must read.
 Many Fukushima observers like Leuren Moret have guessed at man-made origins of that disaster but Mr. Ford has a great many more details and technical facts supporting this view.

From PART 1 :
“While we now know that the spying for the Soviets by the CIA’s Rick Ames and the Bureau’s Robert Hanssen saved everyone’s skin, as I have described in many articles, the role of Morison in the process has not been told. His conviction was to reassure Moscow that any KH-11satellite which showed up over the Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol was just another photo reconnaissance one – what the Soviets would neutralize one way or another. Little did they realize that any new ones would also contain an airborne laser accelerator, feigning to be just a Magnum satellite – what could possibly cause massive earthquakes in the unstable area if necessary. As it circled over the area 15 times a day, it could make a devastating earthquake there in relatively little time at all.

The Red Banner Fleet submarine base at Balaklava – the site of the famous charge by the British Light Brigade in the Crimean War – was hewed out of a mountain in an area noted for its earthquakes. In nearby Yalta, the site of the famous agreement between the Allies in WWII, had experienced devastating earthquakes in 1927, and more were expected. The underground submarine pens and their connecting canals to the Black Sea were thought to be so inpregnable to atomic attacks that the Chinese had modeled a similar facility in its remote mountains of Zichan after the devastating earthquake at Tangshan in 1976 had destroyed its original atomic research facilities – what the Soviets, it seems, had caused in order to get the Red Chinese back in line. Moscow did not appreciate that continuous laser attacks around the Balaklava could cause a complete collapse, one so severe that it might swallow up the whole north coast of the Black Sea in a tsumani.”

Glimpses of America’s Man-Made Disasters

by Trowbridge H. Ford

PART 1 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/04/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 2 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/05/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 3 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/05/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_12.html

PART 4 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/05/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_20.html

PART 5 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/05/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_27.html

PART 6 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/06/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 7 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/06/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_25.html

PART 8 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/07/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 9 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/07/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_15.html

PART 10 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/07/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_21.html

PART 11 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/10/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 12 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/11/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 13 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/11/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_18.html

PART 14 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/12/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_06.html

PART 15 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/12/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters.html

PART 16 http://codshit.blogspot.com/2009/12/glimpses-of-americas-man-made-disasters_24.html

Fukushima Twighlight Zone

20 09 2011

Whatever is going on at Fukushima-Daiichi TEPCO is lying about it. So far not much has been here on unconventional Fukushima theories except the post from Sept. 17 & 18.

The rest we’ll put here as we find them. Dutchsinse has his own youtube channel so there’s more of his material there.





Decide for yourself dept. – VERY WEIRD:

David Wilcock’s exclusive interview with Benjamin Fulford. 

“. . . Recently, these sources informed him that the earthquakes that occurred in Colorado and the Washington DC area, surrounding August 22nd and 23rd, were, in fact, apparently nuclear strikes against underground military facilities.

 [These underground bases] have been built by the US government, ostensibly since the early 1960s, at the cost of trillions of dollars of undocumented taxpayer money that is going into these “black projects.” . . .”


The 1 hr. interview [MP3] is here.


The multi-part series on Man-Made Disasters by Trowbridge H. Ford is posted here-http://www.rockythedog.net/spooky/disasters1.html
[ we are operating under limited blogging conditions as WordPress is mostly inoperable since 9-11-11 ]