Jeremy Corbyn defends Julian Assange in the UK Parliament

18 04 2022


Rumble Link




Journalism on trial in London

28 10 2021

Thomas Scripps – The horrific persecution of Julian Assange continues

“The attempted US extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange resumed yesterday with the opening of a hearing into a US government appeal. It is a legal abomination in pursuit of a heinous crime.

Assange is being targeted for his and WikiLeaks’s exposure of war crimes, torture and other human rights abuses, mass surveillance, coup plots, and state corruption. The architects of these crimes, the US and other imperialist governments, are determined to extract a blood price, either through Assange’s life imprisonment and the destruction of his physical and mental health, or his murder. . . . ” 


Follow the trial process here:





In 2005 US was perfectly OK with Taiwan’s Level 4 Biological Warfare Lab

17 04 2020


Found on WikiLeaks’ Cablegate page –

Classified By: AIT Acting Director David Keegan, Reasons 1.4 b/d

1. (S//NF) Action request para 3. On November 3, NHDetect
CEO and President David Trudil discussed with AIT COMM and
ECON officers a formal advocacy request that his company is
submitting through the USDOC Advocacy Center regarding its
bid on the first phase of a planned level 4 pathogens ward.
Trudil explained that level 4 pathogens are
"genetically-engineered bugs that can destroy the world;" far
more dangerous than anthrax, SARS, or avian influenza. He
said Taiwan already had an operational level 4 laboratory,
and that he had recently arranged a tour of these facilities
for U.S. DOD and CDC personnel in exchange for DOD allowing
Taiwan MND and CDC to tour the U.S. level 4 ward located at
Fort Detrick, Maryland.
(AIT ECON and COMM were unaware of
these visits. Reftel report on the DOD tour noted that the
Taiwan facility claims to have a sample of a smallpox strain
that produces a 100% fatality rate.) Trudil noted that there
is currently only one other level 4 ward in the world,
located in Siberia.

2. (S//NF) According to Trudil, funding for the level 4 ward
was approved five years ago as part of Taiwan,s MND budget,
however, the funds have since been transferred to CDC.
Trudil claims to have known Taiwan CDC Director Steve Kuo for
several years. NHDetect is partnering with Battelle on the
bid. Trudil and Battelle National Security Division Vice
President David Robinson will make their bid presentation to
Taiwan CDC on November 4. Trudil gave AIT officers copies of
an advocacy letter from U.S. Congressman Roscoe Bartlett.
Trudil said he was unaware of any restrictions on the export
of equipment or technology related to level 4 pathogens, but
that Battelle lawyers would certainly check and apply for any
needed licenses. Trudil also mentioned that Taiwan would be
hosting an international biological defense conference in
early December that would be attended by U.S. CDC and DOD

3. (S//NF) Action request: Given the WMD aspects of this
project, AIT requests Department coordinate with the Advocacy
Center on how to respond to the advocacy request, and provide
AIT with general guidance on what restrictions exist on the
export of equipment and technology related to level 4


You can find your own scoop on WikiLeaks’ cablegate page. Pull up the China topic documents using “CH” tag and get more instructions on the left side of the page.

♦  US State Dept. Glossary of Acronyms


SEE ALSOCorona Virus is a biological weapon – SMOKING GUN

WikiLeaks Mega-File Dump

29 04 2019

Alt. Link  –


So it begins… the arrest of Free Speech in London today…

11 04 2019




livestream roundtable






Download this before they stop you forever –


Assassination by Surveillance Camera

23 02 2019

Before we get too enthusiastic about crime-fighting streetlamp cams everywhere (Chicago, for example) –



NOTE – no prosecution(s) for murder, no impeachment, no military court-martials or demotions or removals resulted from this murder of the journo and his child by gleeful sadists operating the killer drones.

They may appear any day on a street near you. . . . due to mass silence by the American public.



A Hearty Congratulations to Rudolph Elmer for his VICTORY in Court over his Battle Against Swiss Bank Secrecy Laws

17 10 2018