Hillary Health – She Looks Like Hitler in His Final Days

14 12 2016


Skip to 15 min. mark –

LINK –  https://youtu.be/ZzUqMaZebBY

“And Hillary really does look like Hitler in the final days; fake smile, shaking, pacing, shotNeedle30can’t control her voice, infrequent appearances, various erratic behavior.
And just like Hitler, she has her ever-present medical staff around. People who like history should look up Dr. Theodor Morell. He’s was Hitler’s personal doctor and went everywhere with Hitler, especially in the final days, when he had to prop him up with vitamin shots, glucose shots first thing every morning to wake drug hung-over Adolf up, and at night uppers, opiates, and god knows what else.”

LINK – https://youtu.be/uiMimGNNx1o

LINK – https://youtu.be/CLthGl1JTeY

SEE ALSO –  Hillary’s Health: Does She Have Kuru?

We have David Seaman’s 2 articles on Hillary Health questions that Huffington Post banned!

30 08 2016

(scroll down to next post for the back story)



an archive of it:
a small url of the archived post:
– – –  http://tinyurl.com/hbhl7t5



an archive of it:
a small url of the archived post:
– – –  http://tinyurl.com/j5cy38r

Thanks to Internet Archive for saving the posts.


Since we would have hit the RE-BLOG button on these we will cut-n-paste them here for now.
We’ll remove them if the author asks us to. We’ll keep them if anti-free-speech HuffPo asks us. F them!

Hillary Clinton’s Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)
08/28/2016 01:36 pm ET

By David Seaman

Hillary Clinton: Stronger Together. How strong? Well, the great woman’s health is excellent, superb even. Her heart and mind one hundred thousand times stronger than the strongest beams of steel that built our great American cities more than a century ago. Her soul a shining exemplar of selflessness, service, and humility, her footing sound… wait, are we talking about the same person here?!

The same Hillary Clinton who recently became the latest unintentional star of YouTube, with a truly endless upload stream of videos purporting to show Hillary Clinton wildly seizing up when several reporters begin questioning her at once? Yes, the same Hillary Clinton who became the star of this Paul Joseph Watson video, attracting 3,554,177 views since it was uploaded on August 4th:

[PHOTO – Hillary never saw a balloon before]

I realize some readers might be wondering after watching Paul Watson’s video… how is she strong, or healthy, after seeing all that?

Look guys, I need to keep my job and platform. A lot of people read the Huffington Post and AOL properties. We all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons.

Just ask longtime broadcaster Dr. Drew Pinsky. “CNN has canceled Drew Pinsky’s HLN show, Dr. Drew On Call, just eight days after Pinsky made comments on a radio show questioning the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Pinsky’s show, which is six years old, will air for the last time Sept. 22,” The Daily Beast reported.

But what do you think? Is Hillary Clinton strong and wise and healthy? If so, why does Paul Watson and the team at Infowars want to hurt her feelings? They should know better over there: Americans are allowed to vote for anyone they want this election season, and support anyone they want, so long as that person is Strong Hillary Clinton.

Stronger Together. Together, Stronger. Or something.


BLUbullet  The Paul Joseph Watson video with 3 Million + views: http://youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s


Wikileaks Revealed Massive Political Corruption: Where’s The Coverage?
08/28/2016 04:33 pm ET

By David Seaman

The corporate media, especially the television media, has not been adequately covering the scope of the latest Wikileaks batch of emails.

Especially since some of the revelations may have a material impact on the upcoming presidential election in the United States, many feel these Wikileaks documents should be discussed in-depth on air.

Among some of the correspondences that some found disturbing, are a potentially close relationship between the D.N.C. and CNN host Jake Tapper. See below:

There was a time, not long ago, when we regarded that sort of thing as very much not journalism in America: at one recent point in history, interview subjects did not “offer questions” to a major cable television program’s host hours before going live. Instead, it would be the journalist’s role to come up with questions – and even pose some of those questions on-air to the guest – in order for the public watching at home to learn more about how their elected officials operate.

Similarly, some have concerns that the latest batch of emails may further provide proof of a vast global money-raising business, the Clinton Foundation and its complex web of subsidiaries, that puts American national security interests in jeopardy by offering foreign interests undue influence over – and access to – top U.S. officials.

All of this, of course, occurring with a profound lack of oversight or accountability after the fact.

For instance, many have called for the Clinton campaign to release Hillary Clinton’s full schedule of meetings before the election, so that researchers can analyze the possible overlap between Clinton Foundation donations and time spent behind closed doors with the individuals and institutions that contributed large sums to the Foundation.

An oddly predictive article published last year in The Sacramento Bee, long before the latest batch of emails were released by Wikileaks, points to the ethical dilemma posed by the Foundation:

Under pressure to lift the veil of secrecy over who bankrolled his Canadian charity that’s affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, Vancouver-based mining mogul Frank Giustra late Friday released the names of 21 of its largest donors, most with connections to the mining and oil-drilling industries.
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) did not list the amounts of the various donations. It said it only disclosed the identities of those leading contributors who provided written authorization, while releasing a second legal opinion asserting that under Canadian law, the rest of its 1,100 contributors should be kept confidential unless they agree to be identified.
Those named include Giustra, a major Clinton Foundation benefactor who has forged a globetrotting philanthropic partnership with former President Bill Clinton, Giustra’s estranged wife, Alison Lawton, and his family foundation.
The partnership’s secrecy has triggered controversy because the contributors’ money ultimately benefited the U.S.-based foundation that Clinton built into a global force to fight poverty and disease, posing possible undisclosed conflicts of interest for his wife, Hillary Clinton, during her tenure as secretary of state between 2009 and 2013.
Disclosures about these entanglements – and questions about whether some are being concealed – are now dogging Hillary Clinton as she seeks the Democratic presidential nomination.

But what do you think? Let me know in the comments section below, or over on Twitter.
Follow David Seaman on Twitter: www.twitter.com/d_seaman


This one seems to still up on Huffington Post for now – FC


Google Hides Hillary Health Search Results + Worse

29 08 2016

We all knew this . . .

Sputnik Google Accused of Manipulating Search Results on Hillary Clinton’s Health

On Saturday, screenshots of users typing “Hillary Clinton’s he” into Google, Yahoo, and Bing went massively viral, as the contrast between what the sites then prompted as results varied greatly. . . .
. . . Users searching on Google were met with suggestions including, “Hillary Clinton’s headquarters,” “Hillary Clinton’s health plan,” “Hillary Clinton’s healthcare plan,” “Hillary Clinton’s healthcare plan 1993,” and “Hillary Clinton’s healthcare plan 2016.”
. . . Microsoft-owned Bing, on the other hand, provided results that more readily reflected the trending news topic. Suggestions included: “Hillary Clinton’s health,” “Hillary Clinton’s health issues,” “Hillary Clinton’s height and weight,” “Hillary Clinton’s health care plan,” and “Hillary Clinton’s health report.”


Zero HedgeHuffPo “Revoked Publishing Access” Of Journalist After ‘Hillary Health’ Story: “It’s Orwellian…I’m Scared”

LINK – http://youtu.be/xHhNr5jeTIw

Hillary Health Concerns Rise

8 08 2016


Hillary’s Health #HillarysHealth Cannot Be Ignored

Photo of Clinton having trouble with stairs fuels rumors of bad health

Radar – Campaign Cover-Up? Hillary Clinton Facing ‘Mounting Health Issues,’ Political Insider Claims: ‘Blinding Headaches,’ Near-Fainting Fits & Worse!

Hillary’s Suspected Brain Damage: Demand Her Medical Records

LINK – http://youtu.be/d-gCrYSwN1Y

Judge Jeanine Backs Comey Into A Corner! He Must Indict Hillary!!

LINK – http://youtu.be/dXYFDsQ-_nY


Hillary Clinton Has A Seizure/Stroke (WTF Is Wrong With Her, Is She Dying?)

LINK – http://youtu.be/-lrMjAB3MzA

Hillary Clinton has seizure / convulsions – tries to play it off making fun of seizures CLOSER LOOK

LINK – http://youtu.be/YMHOcmDVBP0

The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behavior

LINK – http://youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s

Hillary’s Health – she goes “balloons” at Bush Sr. funeral

5 12 2018

LINK – https://youtu.be/bTm6WikSrqk

Hillary’s Health – Hacking Cough is Back – just in time for 13 city speaking tour

13 10 2018

LINK – https://youtu.be/IpZvAIidCCo

LINK – https://youtu.be/JhFktg82J_E

Zero Hedge Shunned By Democrats, Clintons Plan Post-Midterms Speaking Tour; Tickets Priced Up To $750


Hillary’s Health – Was Hillary wearing ‘Life Alert’ emergency device during NYC appearance?

24 07 2018

The American Mirror – MYSTERY:
Was Hillary wearing ‘Life Alert’ emergency device during NYC appearance?

One photo from the set shown in the article –
