Nuke booster PR shill, Jay Cullen joins news outlets’ big “California radiated wine is safe” campaign

14 08 2018

Fukushima radiation made it into the mainstream news last month … sort of. We will show how a deadly menace is made to look like a fuzzy kitten by paid shills who plant the kitten stories.

Forbes gives the background on checking for Cesium 137 in wine –
Fukushima Radiation Found In Napa Valley Wines

” …one well-known way of authenticating the vintage of a certain wine without having to open it is to check how much nuclear fallout it contains. Now, the pioneer of that technique has used it to determine that radiation from the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant meltdown and disaster in Japan made its way into wines from California’s Napa Valley.

The vintage of many wines can be verified and fakes outed by measuring their cesium 137 content with a gamma detector and then comparing the measurement against the known levels of the radioactive isotope in the atmosphere in a given year from nuclear tests and accidents like Chernobyl. After a few decades without any tests or accidents, Fukushima provided a new marker.

A team from the French National Center for Scientific Research and the University of Bordeaux including Philippe Hubert, who developed the method over 20 years ago, decided to check a series of California wines from between 2009 and 2012 for cesium 137, which was released in significant amounts from Fukushima and traveled across the Pacific on the wind.”

tra-la-la sings the New York Times

Science paper [PDF] –
Dating of wines with cesium-137: Fukushima’s imprint
Michael S. Pravikoff and Philippe Hubert,
Centre d’Études Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan

Cesium 137 is just a tracer, like a tracer bullet fired by fighter planes, to indicate the direction a radioactive plume goes etc.
It is not at all the more deadly type of isotopes that blew all over and keeps blowing all over since the multiple nuclear meltdowns in Japan on 3-11.

The French scientists were not looking for uranium, strontium or plutonium.

They were not looking for
iodine-134, iodine-131, iodine-129, cesium 134

And they certainly were not looking for MOX fuel
a mix of uranium and plutonium (so-called mixed oxide).

Nuke ass-kissing Jay Cullen tweets wine

July 8 attack on Dana Durnford

Since Dana cannot defend himself without being hustled off to jail, or getting beat up and hustled off to jail we will defend him here.

Dana Durnford Arrested For Speaking His Mind. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute AND A University Get Him Arrested

Canadian Nuke Puke in Denial Over Fukushima Radiation Harming Sea Life


Related –

June 12 – Amazingly High Radiation in Tokyo Bay — 131,000 Bq per Meter Squared


Forbes A Total Pimp Job — Lying In Support of Nuclear

Dana Durnford’s Crime: Telling the TRUTH about Nukes

2012 – Fukushima had explosions from WITHIN the reactor vessel and/or fuel pool, launching in a Cannon type fashion, TONS of Uranium and Plutonium into the atmosphere.

2012 – USA Radioactive Iodine 131, 129 Found In 13 Cities, Levels Up To 80 Times Allowed Levels, US Milk Radiation Contaminated

2017 – Highly Radioactive Iodine 129 Wafts Over US West Coast From Japan

FUKUSHIMA 2018 by William Thomas

2014 – HORROR “Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation”

Dr. Leuren Moret – How MOX Fuel is Engineered to go Critical


UVic Gives Banana Molesting Nuclear Apologist Jay Cullen $630,000 Hush Fund –




Uranium U.’s Jay Cullen Looking at Every Sand Grain in the Sea That is Unaffected by Fukushima Radiation

15 05 2016

Moron, boatTripJay Cullen frets over Florida coast while missing Fukushima radioactive devastation in his own backyard.

Dana Durnford Expedition for Life photos … taken on the Canadian Pacific coast, NOT the Florida Atlantic coast:






varsityUranium U. and Unscrupulous Faux-Scientists Wish We Would Quit Talkin’ About Fukushima Radiation Hitting the Pacific Northwest. And They Wish Even More Dana Durnford Wasn’t a MAN but a little puffy kitten like THEM!



Dana Asks Why Do Big Shot Scientists Make Pilgrimages to Chernobyl and Shun Fukushima? + Jay Cullen Antics

16 03 2016

You think these scientists know how to protect their own health but no one else’s?

Dana’s interview on – [AUDIO]

pinoccioJay “Tweety” Cullen doubling down on the nuke PR –
He extols this – ‘Acceptable risk’ is a better way to think about radiation exposure in Fukushima Written by a nuke stooge from Georgetown U.


(Reprise) Mass Mortality among Rocky Shore Invertebrates across 100 km of Northeastern Pacific Coastline

14 03 2016


SEE: Mass Mortality among Rocky Shore Invertebrates across 100 km of Northeastern Pacific Coastline- Peer Reviewed Article

recap485Ken Buesseler is looking for no answers on radiation contamination in the Pacific


whiteRAD_yelBlackNuke ProMechanism By Which Radiation Destroys “Chitin” Which Destroys The Ocean Food Chains and Bees

and – –  Stop the Krill Kill! Radiation Kills Krill, It Bio-Magnifies In Their Chitin Shell

Back to the Death of the PacificIronMask

Dana Durnford’s Post-Fukushima Odyssey: Documenting Ecocide on Canada’s West Coast

Nuke Apologist, Jay Cullen Thinks He’s Misunderstood

28 02 2016


U Vic Minion

and uranium eating worm SQUIRM

ahhhhhhh ….. His talk at skull-n-bones nest, Harvard, on Thursday –  (described by him)

” I began outreach and education efforts in the interest of the common good[sic] given questions and fear about the disaster among family, friends and members of the public. I was also motivated to correct scientifically inaccurate, poor quality, misinformation that at the time dominated the public domain. While most public response to my work on the Fukushima disaster has been positive, my outreach introduced me to the world of conspiracy theories, through a vocal minority who responded with personal threats, accusations of scientific fraud, and other attacks on my professional and personal integrity. I now have a firsthand understanding of the pitfalls of public science and risk communication. The purpose of this talk is to provide background to the reader about the nature of the disaster, known risks, and an account of how conspiracy ideation and poor science literacy colored a minority of the public feedback to my scientifically grounded monitoring program and evidence based outreach efforts. “

– – – – –HarvardJC –  – –

Let’s recap Jay Cullen’s nuke industry ties – – –

– – recap426


This is as good as his RADIO INTERVIEW!


It sounds like nuke puke Jay Cullen was censored, tossed in jail, libeled in leading newspapers, barred from speaking events, vilified by peers, had years of work banned, had Google interfere with all of his material on the internet making it hard-to-find, burglarized, roughed-up, given a gag order so he cannot mention who ordered the gag order, had his computers hacked over and over again, had expensive technical equipment fried by sophisticated computer attacks,  had life-threatening boat vandalism intended to kill him, stalked around the net by paid trolls, spied on by police, followed, had expensive PR firms dig into his personal life to screw with him, had frivolous law action against him designed to bankrupt him and now all his teeth are falling out!
Oh, wait … that would be . . . D A N A – – D U R N F O R D!




With North Pacific in Death Throes U Vic Minion and Pretend-Scientist, Jay Cullen Still Thinks Everything’s Fine

23 02 2016

Jay Cullen: Most Recent Measurements of Plutonium in Pacific: Fukushima Fallout Undetectable

Update: InFORM Monitoring Results For Pacific Salmon Collected Summer 2015 February 23, 2016 <VicCourt Dana was in court 2 weeks earlier because of U. Vic and Woods Hole false accusations.

He must be reading comic books.

Maybe he never heard about this:
“Maximum Alert” Japan Nuclear Reactor Core Breach Leaking Plutonium – “3 Raging Nuclear Meltdowns In Progress”

Or maybe his pals at Woods Hole are so busy with their real missions for the US military they can’t follow up so much on the death of the Pacific.
Except to cover it up.

A Green Road Bog38,000,000 Bq/Kg Radioactive Iodine 129 Found On Leafy Vegetables, 59 Km From Fukushima Daichi, Radioactive Iodine Went Around The World, Decays Into Radioactive Xenon Gas, Then Into Cesium


Nuke Pro –

ENE News –

BLUbullet  COMMENT: Dr. Goodheart
February 23, 2016 at 11:36 am

Apologists for Nuclear Ecocide Here, I present arguments for Durnford’s defense, much of which cannot be entered into the court record in a national judicial system constrained by a blanket nuclear-security regime and Official Secrets Act that grossly subvert the Rule of Law:
– First, it will be shown that the accusers Cullen and Buesseler have institutional links with the nuclear industry and nuclear weapons, and are therefore implicated in the Fukushima cover-up for their assigned task of countering anti-nuclear critics. Their illicit connections to the military-nuclear complex prompt them to concoct flawed research methodologies that purposely underestimate levels of radioactive contamination. Their grotesque violations of science ethics are here exposed, followed by a call for their being defrocked and excluded from academic discourse.
– Second, the funding from the nuclear industry to the University of Victoria, located on Vancouver Island, is “hush money” timed to coincide with the imminent start of uranium shipments across Western Canada through Vancouver harbour to Asia by TEPCO Resources, yes, the same Tokyo Electric Power Company responsible for Fukushima and co-owner of the Cigar Lake uranium mine, which recently started extraction operations in Sasketchewan. TEPCO is hitting Canada in more ways than one.

Much more at

More on Cigar Lake – F.C.


If reading is too much for you, Radchick & Lauren Moret: Fukushima & Pacific Ocean


Is it Godzilla or Fukushima Radiation Glowing Red Hot in the Pacific?



FUKEDgoto DDpp

Dana Durnford’s Crime: Telling the TRUTH about Nukes

12 11 2015

Canada’s University of Victoria is playing a game of TRUTH OR DARE with the public … except there’s no truth, just lies, and no dare, just cowardice.

Conversely, since Fukushima blew up and melted down on 3-11, disabled diver and blogger, Dana Durnford has been educating the public about the event, the dangers we face from it and the non-remediation of the contaminants flung out into the sky, sea and land since (not to mention exported as food, passed off in smoke from incinerators or bagged up in common garbage bags and left around to leak out).

This item from last June shows how simply and efficiently he can sum up what is happening:

The existence of 8 million species depends on a handful of corporations with human rights ( think stock market corps ) with no checks and balances because no one can be held accountable .

The corporation themselves at best will get a fine the corporation with human rights pay with taxes from off shore accounts hardly a deterrent . You can not put a corporation in jail and you can not give a corporation a criminal record . You can not even hold journalist accountable for allowing corporations to write and having the journalist attach their names to it like we see concerning nuclear accidents . Nuclear war is already in overdrive , Chernobyl 1/3 rd the size and a 30% melt down of any of Japan’s melted reactors stopped after 10 days on its own and was equated with 400 Hiroshima bombs so if it lasted 20 days it would be 800 Hiroshima Bombs etc etc , Fukushima has 3 melted reactors that are 3 times the size and they are 100% melt down and melt outs and they never stopped the chain reactions and its been more than 10 days .

Dana Durnford   thenuclearproctologist

Mining Awareness blogger has this insight

“I find this whole thing fishier and fishier. Cullen’s an expert on plankton. Did anyone see any research done by him on radionuclides in plankton? Is he too blinkered to realize that many radionuclides are metals – probably most. And, that heavy metal poisoning is an issue too. Or is he playing dumb? Wasn’t his diss on Cadmium, another heavy metal? Is the $630,000 minus $75,000 for his Areva machine to check Cs being used to test plankton? But, it’s not being admitted too? . . . .
. . . Maybe he should just stop complaining about our research because every rock turned over shows uranium mining and nuclear ties. Maybe spurious because it IS resource dependent Canada, but maybe not. Where is serious water testing?
Half a dozen samples given on his blog are NOT statistically significant.

“Marine Chemistry 20 December 2015, Vol.177:124–133, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.03.014
Biogeochemistry of trace elements and their isotopes Decoupling of zinc and silicic acid in the subarctic northeast Pacific interior
David J. Janssen, Jay T. Cullen”

Is Jay Cullen as smart as Dana gives him credit for? Or, is he a typical blinkered academic – narrow minded like a mule with blinders. Maybe a bit of both? Regardless, he’s a symptom of a deeper disease, like a carbuncle, and not worth everyone’s time. Really! But, everyone loves a good mystery and this is it.”


recapping Jay Cullen's nuke industry ties
