Trump says NO to nuclear war

16 11 2022

On Nov. 15th Donald Trump took a vehement stand against the use of nuclear weapons.


Trump’s Nov 15 announcement speech –

Outtake above is from the 19:44 min. mark – FC







What Happens When A Tornado Or A Pandemic Superbug Virus Hits A Nuclear Power Plant, Via Eliminating Many Of It’s Staff? How Can Nuclear Power Plants Keep Operating Safely During The Coronavirus Pandemic – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | A Green Road Journal

23 04 2020

A Green Road Daily News –  What Happens When A Tornado Or A Pandemic Superbug Virus Hits A Nuclear Power Plant, Via Eliminating Many Of It’s Staff? How Can Nuclear Power Plants Keep Operating Safely During The Coronavirus Pandemic – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | A Green Road Journal

RADIATION WARNING – Nuclear disaster fears after 550 cracks found in walls of UK power plant set to reopen

6 07 2019

The Sun [UK]

EXPERTS have warned reopening a UK nuclear plant could spark a major nuclear disaster after hundreds of cracks were discovered.

Owners EDF Energy said on Friday it was confident Hunterston B, North Ayrshire, would eventually resume service after it shut last year. . . (more)

“Cracks could prevent control rods from being inserted causing the nuclear fuel to overheat, potentially resulting in a nuclear accident.”

California Fires – counteract the unavoidable radiation (from the contaminated Rocketdyne site) – by Leuren Moret

NY is HIDING Indian Point nuke plant risk from gas pipeline – Mining Awareness

21 07 2018

Mining Awareness +

Twenty million New Yorkers live within 50 miles of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Station. It does not close until 2020-21. 45 years of nuclear waste will remain on site and the decommissiong process takes time. The pipeline, apparently already in operation, is “1500 feet away from the reactors and 105 feet from a power substation“.

There can be short-term fatalities as far as 60 miles away from a nuclear accident!
See: “Chernobyl on the Hudson“:

People need to start asking where twenty million people (or even fewer) would go in the event of a nuclear accident, and the impacts upon both the New York economy and the rest of the country. This is all the more true since the US is currently growing at over 2 million people per year, over half due to legal immigration. The population of New York has increased…

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Scotland At Risk Of Chernobyl Like Accident Due To Cracks In Nuclear Reactor Near Glasgow (Owned By French Govt.)

4 05 2018

Mining Awareness +


While graphite cracking appeared much earlier, the keyway cracks were predicted in 2009 to appear by 2015. But, they were first found at Hunterston B, reactor 4, in 2014. 2009 was the year that the British nuclear power stations were sold to the French government (EDF). (See: ) Experts have been hired to prove that it’s really ok after all! But it’s not! The cause of the Windscale nuclear fire is believed to have been, in part, pushing the safety limits!

French government owned EDF needs to permanently shut down all of its old nuclear reactors in the UK, as well as France. Many, or all, of the UK reactors have cracked graphite bricks which, if they break through, can keep the nuclear reactors from being shut down, leading to meltdown.

The graphite could burn for days, emitting dangerous radioactive materials and further contaminating Europe…

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US East Coast Nuclear Bomb Cyclone? Pilgrim & Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Scrams-Power Reduction-Loss of Cooling Water Point To The Risks

7 01 2018

disaster waiting in the wings …


Mining Awareness +

Not only dangerous, nuclear power stations are unreliable electicity sources in extreme weather. So much for the “baseload power” lies. Why are the nuclear utilities courting nuclear disaster during blizzard – extreme cold conditions? Price Anderson limits their liability is why:

GOES-16 ABI image of the Early January 2018 Nor’easter maturing off the east coast of the United States. Date 4 January 2018, NOAA:
Not only dangerous, nuclear power stations are unreliable electicity sources in extreme weather. Worse, they require energy input for cooling, so as not to meltdown. Even though they can’t be turned off, they are supposed to be powered down during extreme weather, but were apparently not for the recent blizzard with hurricane force winds. Pilgrim nuclear power station near Boston had a forced shutdown due to loss of power, and Oyster Creek near Philadelphia reduced its power due to low water levels in…

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Mitsubishi Military Industrial Complex Nuked in Nagasaki: Mitsubishi Still Lives While Victims Still Die

9 08 2017

Mining Awareness: Mitsubishi Military Industrial Complex Nuked in Nagasaki: Mitsubishi Still Lives While Victims Still Die

71 years later, today, people are still dying as a result of the delayed effect of radiation. Atomic bomb hospitals are full of those people